Francesco Scarfone
It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Francesco Scarfone.
Better known as 'Frank'.
Dearly loved husband of Rita Scarfone.
Much loved father and father-in-law of Pina & Fred Ciccia, Tony & Tracie Scarfone and Albert & Diana Scarfone.
Adored Nonno of Anthony, Samuel, Rianna, Andrew and Sophia.
Frank passed away peacefully at the Griffith Base Hospital on Tuesday 9th July 2024, at the age of 92 years.
Relatives and friends of the Late Frank Scarfone are respectfully invited to attend a Requiem Masss which is to be held at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Griffith, on Tuesday 16th July 2024, commencing at 10:00am, followed by a an interment in the Capella section of the Griffith Cemetery.
Service BookletCondolence Messages
Dear Rita and all family too, Ricevete le nostre condoglianze per la perdita di Frank! I nostri ricordi erano di una persona simpatica, sicuramente un buon padre e marito. Condoglianze da parte nostra Lea, Alberto, Angela e le nostre famiglie. With love a big hug to you ❤️Lea Braidotti August 17, 2024